Houses and ball contestants who consistently win trophies for their walks eventually earn 'legendary' status. Many of the contestants vying for trophies are representatives of ' houses' that serve as intentional families, social groups, and performance teams. Most of the film alternates between footage of balls and interviews with prominent members of the scene, including Pepper LaBeija, Dorian Corey, Angie Xtravaganza, and Willi Ninja. 'Banjee boys' are judged by their ability to pass as their straight counterparts in the outside world. For example, the category ' banjee realness' comprises gay men portraying macho archetypes such as sailors, soldiers, and street hoodlums. Contestants are judged on criteria including their dance talent, the beauty of their clothing, and the 'realness' of their drag - i.e., their ability to pass as a member of the group or sex they are portraying.
The film explores the elaborately-structured ball competitions in which contestants, adhering to a very specific 'category' or theme, must 'walk', much like a fashion model parades a runway.